Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Obama drama

Well, the initial Memorial Day fluff has faded, and the 'fallen heroes' in B. Hussein Obama's audience have presumably returned to their coffins.... But there's this one thing--

Obama mentioned his uncle (actually great uncle) was in the army and helped liberate Auschwitz (actually Buchenwald) and save the Jews (he didn't say that, but he clearly is trying to fertilize some affection from that group).

Great story, once you get over the stupid errors. Oh, and he has repeated this Auschwitz story before, so it wasn't an accidental mistake. Lots more Jews died at Auschwitz than Buchenwald, and he might have been playing that angle.

But here's the problem:

In the army, helping liberate Buchenwald, was a C. T. Payne. That's all that is known, and the 'keeper of the 89th Division archives' on his website, a guy named Kitchell, is a flaming leftist moonbat who is unlikely to offer/permit any actual research into this Payne fellow. He has grudgingly come forth with confirmation that Payne served in that capacity, but does not add information, like a serial number or full name. He essentially just repeats what his website already says and adds some ugly anti-Bush raving for guys like Dan Riehl of the Riehl World View blog. Enjoy Kitchell's BDS here.

And in another website, a geneological one, Obama's great uncle is listed as Charles W. Payne.

Of the United States NAVY.

The FATHER of Charles W. Payne is, confusingly, Charles T. Payne, born in the 19th century and unlikely to be serving in the 89th Division during the end of WWII, as he was in his fifties then.

So the question is, who was the C. T. Payne in Germany at war's end, freeing the guests of Hotel Buchenwald? Was he the guy who had a daughter named Madelyn, the mother of the mother of Barack Hussein Obama? Or was that Charles W. Payne, listed geneologically as born in 1924 (the right age, at least) and listed geneologically as the father of Madelyn, and said to have served in the Navy?

(German prison camps generally were on dry land.)

Ultimately, someone is going to have to go into government military archives and sort this out. No help will be forthcoming from Kitchell.

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